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Staðsetning: Silfurberg B


Silfurberg B

Gunnar Zoega, Nýherji

13:00-13:30 Sjálfvirkni netkerfa
Guðmundur Arnar Sigmundsson, Nýherji
 Farið verður yfir hugmyndafræðina á bakvið Software Defined Networkng (SDN). Hvaða ávinning það skilar þeim sem eru í netrekstri. Helstu kosti og galla. Hverjar eru helstu hindranir fyrir almenna innleiðingu á markaðnum. Leitast verður við að sýna frá DEMO umhverfi þar sem hægt verður að sjá þetta í virkni.
13:35-14:05 Turning the table on „Advanced Persistent Threats“
Charlie Eriksen, Syndis
 This talk goes over the process for our threat analysis, what can be learned about vendors, their obsession with calling everything an APT, and what your normal adversary actually looks like.
14:10-14:40 How can Small and Midsize Business gain the most from Cloud based solutions
Edward Moore, Microsoft
Cloud solutions have enabled small and midsize businesses to increase productivity and use solutions that used to be only available to larger company‘s.  Those solutions are helping businesses every day to do more and achieve more in a mobile first world.  Cloud has enabled smaller businesses to use large scale solutions in a OPEX model that can scale up or down, all depending on the business needs.